Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Best Tropical Oatmeal Recipe Ever

For people who like piña colada’s and getting caught in the rain

I’m writing this as I torture myself eating extra hot wasabi peas, realizing this is the closest feeling I’ll have to a sunburn in months. Granted it’s an internal feeling but it warms me up in the least satisfying way possible, just like a sunburn—yet aloe in this situation would probably be useless and I’m too cheap to buy aloe water to find out.

Spring may be coming but bronzed shoulders and sun kissed noses aren’t my reality just yet. No, instead I am plagued with the morning battle of “should I wear a coat today?” and “how many times will I fluctuate between goose bumps and sweat stains?” Yes folks, c’est la vie. This is spring.

BUT SUMMER I SEE YOU. You’re coming so soon and then all will be right in the world and my wardrobe.

So until the magic season is upon us, I’ve come up with a delicious and healthy oatmeal recipe to remind you of beach balls and tiki bars--since you know I’m all about that fake it till you make it life.

And have I mentioned how easy this recipe is? Like, super easy! How can you mess up oatmeal?

Let this fool-proof recipe whisk you away to a tropical island and help you count down the days until unironic frozen drinks.


¼ cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/3 cup steel cut oats
1/2 cup frozen pineapple and mango mix
¼ cup unsweetened shredded coconut flakes
1 whole banana, sliced
1 tsp. agave
¼ tsp. ginger
½ lime juice
pinch of salt


Literally just combine all of the above ingredients and microwave for 2 minutes.

Garnish with slivered almonds, limejuice, splash of coconut milk, and a mini umbrella.


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